百年川大 卓越設計







    The Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydro-power Engineering Design possesses Class B design qualifications in the power industry (hydro-electric power generation) and water conservancy industry. It also has qualification certificates such as class A water resources consulting, water resources argumentation, geotechnical investigation, engineering construction and so on. The scope of business covers reservoir hubs, river improvement and urban flood control, irrigation and drainage, irrigation and water supply projects, land reclamation, soil and water conservation, hydro-power and other aspects.

    Our Institute gives full play to the industry-university-research advantages of Sichuan University, one of the “double-top” universities, relying on the scientific advantages of high-end professional platforms such as State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Development and Protection, Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province of Geotechnical Engineering, Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province of Hydrology and Water Resources, etc. to allow the institute to develop its business capabilities from simply designing water conservancy and hydro-power projects to developing multiple core areas such as scientific and technological research for water conservancy and hydro-power projects, model tests for key water conservancy projects, technical consultation for difficult projects and general contracting for core projects. After years of precipitation, our Institute has a professional design team which is led by experts and professors and backed by senior experts and a large number of young and middle-aged professional and technical personnel. They have not only engineering design skills and scientific research strengths but also practical innovation and the spirit of credibility.

    The Institute creates the brand of “Centennial Sichuan University, Excellent Design”, bases on the southwest area facing the whole country and South Asia, carefully develops the water conservancy and hydro-power market according to the service concept of “safe guarantee + investment control + facilitate progress” and does its utmost to provide service for water conservancy and hydro-power develop as well as make contributions.


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